Resin Market is a community for Ball Jointed Doll collectors, like you, to buy and sell BJDs with other members. Join us, it only takes a minute!

Comments Rating Link
Lovely seller who paid immediatly. Communications were clear and nice. Thank you for buying them. Enjoy!
- Majumi (Seller)
Positive (03/28/18) Unkown socks 03/28/18
Would recommend selling to Duckypowerup. Quick payment and good communication.
- greybunny (Seller)
Positive (03/26/18) Baby the Stars Shine Bright Cherry Parade OP 03/26/18
Super fast communication and payment. Transaction was lovely, thank you so much!!
- alicesaidwhat (Seller)
Positive (03/21/18) Angelic Pretty Milky Way jsk set 03/21/18