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Comments Rating Link
Smooth transaction! Thank you so much!
- Sapphirecatgirl (Seller)
Positive (10/04/22) Rosier Empress Ribbon Barrette in Ivory 10/04/22
Great buyer, thank you<3
- cattilan (Seller)
Positive (09/19/22) Btssb headbow double bows in black x black minor damage 09/19/22
Excellent buyer! Prompt communication and payment.
- mlleex (Seller)
Positive (09/15/22) Metamorphose white chiffon blouse 09/15/22
Buyer was quick to respond and pay, our interactions went smoothly, and my overall selling experience was positive!
- Jayden (Seller)
Positive (08/27/22) Dear Celine High Neck Bow Blouse 08/27/22
Buyer was quick to respond and pay, our interactions went smoothly, and my overall selling experience was positive!
- Jayden (Seller)
Positive (08/27/22) AatP Lady of the Camellias Wrist Cuffs 08/27/22
Enjoy the blouse!
- reithejelly (Seller)
Positive (08/05/22) Chiffon Gathered Bell Sleeve Blouse 2015 Metamorphose Black x Gold 08/05/22
Prompt on payment and communication~
- imyourkitty (Seller)
Positive (08/02/22) [BNWT]Icing Utopia-Die Eule der Minerva Over dress/Long blouse-Ivory- size 3 08/02/22
fast payment. thank you!
- remi (Seller)
Positive (07/15/22) Meta Yoke Switching Blouse 07/15/22