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Comments Rating Link
A+ buyer, thanks!
- Jola (Seller)
Positive (12/15/15) AP Polka Dot Chocolate OTKs 12/15/15
Buyer paid on promised time and was wonderful to talk to. :) Very friendly!
- jpopjenny (Seller)
Positive (12/05/15) AP Sweet Cream House Apron Skirt 12/05/15
Always a pleasure and I couldn't be happier with my item!
- Shilen (Buyer)
Positive (11/18/15) AP Pink Mini Beret 11/18/15
Quick payment & smooth transaction!
- Psykogirl65 (Seller)
Positive (11/16/15) Verum Resident of Celestial tights 11/16/15
Very easy and pleasant to work with, fast payment and communication. Thanks so much! ^^
- JuliaG123 (Seller)
Positive (10/18/15) Pink Rose Bodyline Rocking Horse Shoes 220 10/18/15
Very fast payment! Good buyer :)
- lamentoes (Seller)
Positive (10/13/15) Shadow Carnival HB in Lavender 10/13/15
Not my first time selling to her and it's always been wonderfully quick and smooth. Thanks!
- himemik0 (Seller)
Positive (10/11/15) Ahcahcum Muchacha cat doll bag set 10/11/15
- cyprus (Seller)
Positive (10/04/15) Vintage Peignoir 10/04/15
Great communication! Excellent working with her.
- AmaraVonNacht (Buyer)
Positive (09/28/15) Chiffon baby blue OP - medium 09/28/15
Always kept in touch with me and incredibly easy to work with! A sweet buyer and very considerate as well as patient. I'm very happy that she bought from me, was an absolute pleasure!
- tsunderelolita (Seller)
Positive (09/21/15) Meta Fancy Egg Set 09/21/15
Skirt was in much better condition than I expected. Seller was quick to respond to my questions and shipped right away-- Accidentally even met in person! Such a sweetheart :)
- missmunchkinz (Buyer)
Positive (09/06/15) Meta Candy House Skirt in Black 09/06/15
Thanks, arrived quickly and safely. Lovely seller, great communication. Would buy from again, thankyou!
- concretecandy20 (Buyer)
Positive (08/20/15) Meta Candy House JSK pink 08/20/15
Great Buyer!
- alovelyspring (Seller)
Positive (08/15/15) Baby the Stars Shine Bright Tartan Check Skirt 08/15/15
Fast payment and prompt responses. Pleasure doing business with, thank you!
- omgspace (Seller)
Positive (08/11/15) MUCHACHA ACHACHUMU Cat Bag 08/11/15
Fast payment and prompt responses. Pleasure doing business with, thank you!
- omgspace (Seller)
Positive (08/11/15) BtSSB Umbrella Skirt in Black Check 08/11/15
Prompt payment and nice buyer ^^
- SugaryCarnivore (Seller)
Positive (07/31/15) Pink x Sax stripe Angelic Pretty bag w/ damages 07/31/15
Thank you for giving me a reasonable time to reply to your messages. It's been a pleasant quick and smooth transaction. :]
- himemik0 (Seller)
Positive (07/24/15) taobao rabbit tights NEW 07/24/15
Thank you for giving me a reasonable time to reply to your messages. It's been a pleasant quick and smooth transaction. :]
- himemik0 (Seller)
Positive (07/24/15) taobao cat tights pink tone NEW 07/24/15
Excellent buyer! Would gladly do business again!
- yllsa (Seller)
Positive (06/15/15) Red Metallic High Collar Bolero 06/15/15
Lovely buyer. Payments submited on time, communication went smoothly.
- youkeyuno (Seller)
Positive (05/02/15) Angelic Pretty Fairy Marine [SET] in [WHITE] 05/02/15