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Comments Rating Link
Awesome seller and dress ~!
- magicalgirldani (Buyer)
Positive (01/26/18) Diamond Honey - Heartwarming Baby Tigers JSK [LAST PRICE!] 01/26/18
Thanks for purchasing the Uniqlo Bow Tie Blouse! I hope you enjoy it~
- lingozero (Seller)
Positive (03/10/17) Uniqlo Short Sleeve Bow Tie Blouse in Lavender 03/10/17
Paid in a timely manner and was easy to work with :)
- Kyanite20 (Seller)
Positive (03/01/17) Magic Tea Party "Summer Festival" JSK 03/01/17
Package came in fast, and on time. It did get a little wet, but nothing to cry over since it's still in wonderful condition. It's such a cute little headbow, and well made. Would definitely recommend this seller to future buyers.
- anhofo887 (Buyer)
Positive (10/18/16) Handmade Ivory Velvet Head bow with Gold Trim 10/18/16