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The dress is very pretty, and I love it very much! However I comitted to buying the dress on january 12th, and it took a, month before it was shipped. To be fair, it was the chinese new year, so postage has probably been hard, but it was still quite a long time to wait. In the meantime the seller gave me back the money as an insurance, so that was nice. The dress ended up being sent by express shipping, which I don't remember asking for, so I feel I've paid a bit more for shipping than planned with the seller. However, I've received the dress now, in perfect condition, so I am happy.
- Myosotis (Buyer)
Positive (02/16/17) NEW without tag Angelic Pretty / Aquarium Carnival Jumper Skirt(Pink) 02/16/17
Thank you for your purchase!
- Furo (Seller)
Positive (02/14/17) Baby the Star Shine Bright White Rabbit`s heart trump jsk pink 02/14/17
Thanks so much for an easy transaction, hope you love your new chocolate dress :)
- lethallolita306 (Seller)
Positive (02/13/17) Melty Royal Chocolate Low waist JSK in Bitter! Closet sale! 02/13/17