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Comments Rating Link
Great buyer! Quick payment and good communication. Thank you from Wunderwelt!
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (04/26/16) **Major Damages** L-0149 BTSSB mint cutsew OP set (7 items) 04/26/16
Thank you! I would gladly sell to you again! :)
- Galactoid (Seller)
Positive (04/04/16) Montreal Rocking Horse shoes (RESERVED) 04/04/16
Thank you so much!! Fast payment great communication, would love to do business with again!! Thank you so much!
- FancyLaLa (Seller)
Positive (09/19/15) h.Naoto Frill Mini Tee 09/19/15
Payment was prompt and communication friendly. Thank you for a lovely transaction!
- cloudlace (Seller)
Positive (09/14/15) h.Naoto Side Corset Denim Lace Dress 09/14/15