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Comments Rating Link
- nanajun (Seller)
Positive (12/18/14) SWIMMER Cute Poodle Bracelet 12/18/14
Thank you for a pleasant transaction. I would be very grateful if you could send some feedback as well. Thank you very much.
- schwarzvrain (Seller)
Positive (10/11/14) BTSSB socks with ghosts and candy 10/11/14
Deadbeat buyer! Bought this item buy it now and never opened my messages about shipping and payment.
- nicedevice (Seller)
Negative (10/06/14) Black A-line Petti 10/06/14
NEGATIVE. Buyer backed out after I messaged her to confirm the total price after shipping, saying that the price was high and that her paypal account isn't working, so she wouldn't be able to purchase anything anyway.
- babee_fuzz (Seller)
Negative (08/28/14) Angelic Pretty Candy headband in pink x yellow 08/28/14
Very quick payment! Would do business with again, thank you!
- Kitsoru (Seller)
Positive (08/20/14) IW Candy Poodle Skirt+Tote Set in PinkxBeige 08/20/14