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Comments Rating Link
Buyer was patient and friendly, paid quickly, good communication, thank you so much <3
- Adryrn (Seller)
Positive (07/03/21) Black Cornet OP detachable sleeves 07/03/21
The buyer requested a hold, but took quite a while after the agreed-upon payment date to pay for the item. But it was apparently due to a PayPal glitch, and the buyer was very polite and thorough in explaining the problem.
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Neutral (06/29/21) RESERVED for udagawapunch: Bodyline Black Double Bow Headdress (Acc832) NWOT 06/29/21
Good buyer, thank you!
- user_27925 (Seller)
Positive (06/22/21) Bat Heart Wing Clips 06/22/21