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Comments Rating Link
Payed promptly, very nice contact
- scarletsedusa (Seller)
Positive (11/12/14) The End of Immortal Eden JSK I black 11/12/14
Buyer won the auction but hasn't replied to my messages or pay the invoice for the item for days. Avoid at all costs! :(
- lingozero (Seller)
Negative (05/12/14) AP Holy Lantern OP in Ivory 05/12/14
I won this auction at 326$. When I PM'ed the seller asking for shipping costs, to my surprise, she refused to sell me the dress because someone PM'ed her AFTER the auction I won, offering her more money. This is not how auctions work. If she wanted to get a specific price for her dress, she should've put a BIN price only, not an auction. And if the other girl wanted it, she should've bid on it like everyone else. Terrible seller, will never bid on her auctions again.
- kisaki (Buyer)
Negative (04/29/14) JEJ JSK in Pink 04/29/14
Very fast payment! Hope you like this dress :) Look forward to hear from you again. Thank you♡
- inorantotoro (Seller)
Positive (02/20/14) AP Gloria Shoulder Frill JSK in Black 02/20/14