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thank you!
- kuinliekkienroihu (Buyer)
Positive (12/01/24) AATP - Flower Motif Cardigan 12/01/24
Seller was quick to respond and very helpful. The JSK came as described and the packaging was very secure. Thank you!
- beezlbee (Buyer)
Positive (10/31/22) Gargoyles of Notre - Dame de Paris Waist Lace JSK 10/31/22
Fast communication and shipping, item was just as described. Would recommend.
- julieee (Buyer)
Positive (07/15/22) Victorian Letter Long JSK + socks - Angelic pretty 07/15/22
Wonderfull seller. I would buy again.
- Stanulia (Buyer)
Positive (04/01/22) Eat me Ink me - Angels and demons OP 04/01/22