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Comments Rating Link
Communication and payment was extremely fast. Thank you so much. Highly recommend.
- Murikuma (Seller)
Positive (11/28/24) Axes femme crown dress black 11/28/24
Thank you!
- wheanz (Seller)
Positive (08/10/24) Baby Cafe Gelato JSK (damaged!) 08/10/24
Very good transaction!
- apfemusser (Seller)
Positive (09/26/21) Oldey timey classic ish Angelic pretty whipped magic black glitter canvas tote bag 09/26/21
The buyer was an absolute sweetheart. So happy to get you your dream dress!
- strawberry_lemon (Seller)
Positive (06/30/21) WTT/WTS Whipped Magic Chest Ribbon JSK in Blk for OP 06/30/21
Buyer was super nice and messaged me before buying the item (which like nobody does). I'm overall really pleased with them!! 5/5
- honeynectars (Seller)
Positive (12/09/20) Shadow Dream Carnival JSK - Black 12/09/20