Resin Market is a community for Ball Jointed Doll collectors, like you, to buy and sell BJDs with other members. Join us, it only takes a minute!

Comments Rating Link
Buyer was super sweet and paid quickly :) Thank you so much!
- waffleburger (Seller)
Positive (12/08/24) AP Lyrical Bunny Parlor Apron Skirt 12/08/24
Excellent buyer, quick payment and smooth communication! Thank you!
- Shokolyr (Seller)
Positive (10/09/24) Little bunny strawberry jsk + kc + otks 10/09/24
Wonderful buyer, fast payment and friendly communication, thank you so much.:)
- Kaw1dy (Seller)
Positive (09/22/24) BTSSB Heart Party JSK in black 09/22/24