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Comments Rating Link
Great seller, the item is perfect and well packaged!
- kokeshidolly (Buyer)
Positive (10/09/16) Angelic pretty Shyness Bear Stuffed Pouch 10/09/16
Very nice seller, everything went smoothly and I couldn't be happier. ^^
- Gwendolen (Buyer)
Positive (08/19/16) Angelic pretty Heartbeat Ribbon Bangle 08/19/16
Sadly I never received the necklace. Over a month went by and I didn't receive it. The seller was very difficult to get a hold of after I paid, all of my private messages and emails were ignored when I was asking about the date it was shipped. I finally had to open a paypal dispute and she responded to me right after I did but didn't answer my questions about shipping. Instead she accelerated the dispute to a claim and I received a refund. I don't know if it was actually ever shipped but no matter how many times I asked she never answered my questions directly. I didn't want to leave a negative, but since the communication was questionable and I had to file a claim to get any kind of response (and my money back), I feel it is unfortunately necessary.
- knittedrainbow (Buyer)
Negative (05/07/16) Angelic pretty Dreamy Bunny Necklace 05/07/16
Negative! No contact/invoice after item was won (a week ago). Contacted them through fb and seller says item is "gone." It is still listed for sale in various fb sales groups as well. I would not buy from this seller if I were you.
- aries_kitsune (Buyer)
Negative (03/30/16) Angelic pretty ring Decoration Pony 03/30/16