Comments | Rating | Link |
Sale never happened. The item was already sold for a long time and the seller forgot to remove the sale from LM.
- Bee-scuit (Buyer) |
Neutral (01/07/22) | Fruits Palor Angelic Pretty |
So the seller was nice, shipped the item very quickly and all that, no complaints there. Unfortunately, the item they sent me was not in fact the real AP Milky Planet, but a cheap replica. Apparently the seller received this dress from a friend and did not think to open the package before putting it up for sale and shipping it off. The seller used someone else's photo of the real milky planet dress for the listing. On top of that, it seems the seller very quickly spent the money i gave them and so they are currently unable to give me a full refund. A paypal dispute has been made and i will not accept paying this much money for a worthless fake item. VERY disappointed with this and i cannot wait for my FULL refund :3
- Guillotama (Buyer) |
Negative (11/13/21) | Milky Planet Yellow JSK |
I was a bit hesitant to buy this because the seller had some negative feedback in the past, but I had a great experience! She shipped it out the next day and I received the dress exactly as described in perfect condition :)
- ainzo (Buyer) |
Positive (07/05/21) | Angelic Pretty Wonder Cookie JSK |
Nice buyer! Thank you :)
- Zoeosaki (Seller) |
Positive (03/04/20) | Decoration Dream Bonnet in Yellow Angelic Pretty |
I agreed to trade her my Magical Trump OP in exchange for this Squirrel Party JSK. Her communication was fine until I sent her the message containing tracking info for the dress I'd shipped, then she stopped communicating with me altogether. I waited 1 month to receive the dress and got nothing, so I sent another message asking about the status of the JSK. All she said in response was "I was sick. I'll send it tomorrow." Then I got a message a few days later saying "I shipped the package yesterday." I asked for further information (like a tracking number, or other proof of shipping), as well as whether she'd received the dress I sent her, but got no response to my questions. It has now been 2 more weeks, and I still haven't received my JSK. So I'm forced to conclude that this user scammed me in order to get a free OP. Don't make the same mistake I did: AVOID this seller! She is NOT trustworthy!
EDIT: I did receive my JSK eventually (after almost 8 weeks), and it's as described. So I was wrong to judge this user to be a scammer, but would still not recommend doing business with her due to her poor communication and long delay in shipping.
- cherry_sp (Buyer) |
Negative (11/19/19) | reserved for trade with cherry_sp Bodyline squirrel party |
She wanted to receive this dress in exchange for the Squirrel Party JSK she offered to trade to me. I agreed to the trade, paid over $20 to ship this dress overseas, and after waiting 6 weeks, never got the JSK I traded for. Her communication was useless in helping me resolve the issue. So I basically gave this dress away for nothing. This user is a scammer! AVOID!
- cherry_sp (Seller) |
Negative (11/19/19) | Bodyline Pink Magical Trump OP Size M NWT |