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Comments Rating Link
Excellent buyer with fast payment and great communication! Really recommend! Thank you:)
- bunen (Seller)
Positive (04/19/24) (NWT, Payment plan OK) Violet Fane Otome Nostalgia OP 04/19/24
Thank you so much for the dress set. Items arrived in perfect condition. 10/10 communication and shipping time.
- Uduvihm (Buyer)
Positive (02/23/24) Holy Lantern JSK Pink (2022) +Bow! 02/23/24
Swift payments, smooth transaction, Superb buyer!
- glockx009 (Seller)
Positive (12/16/20) (For Ninjutsuki) 2 blouses 12/16/20
Swift payments, smooth transaction, superb buyer!
- glockx009 (Seller)
Positive (07/15/20) (For Linn) Crescent Cross JSK + 2 Yukata sets 07/15/20
Smooth communication and swift payment. Superb buyer!
- glockx009 (Seller)
Positive (10/14/19) (For Ninjutsuki) Crescent Cross JSK + Headdress 10/14/19
Great buyer everything went well. Smooth and nice experience! I would recommend.
- Zoeosaki (Seller)
Positive (10/22/18) *FREE SHIPPING* NWT Secret Honey Disney Megara Hercules one piece dress 10/22/18