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- melochrome (Seller)
Positive (12/20/19) Infanta Still Life Picture Frame JSK 12/20/19
We agreed on a payment plan to be finished by 12/09/2019. The buyer paid a non-refundable deposit but there were no further payments. I also sent check-in messages two weeks before it is due and after due day, but the buyer did not reply until 12/16/2019. So the sales contract is nullified. The buyer said there was something pop up and she was not be able to purchase anymore. I'm sorry that something pop up and I am sorry to leave a negative feedback but this is a no-go in business based on the communication and timeliness. I can't recommend this buyer.
- shijingz (Seller)
Negative (12/17/19) Baby the Star Shine Bright Florence's Medicine Chest OP + KC in Brown 12/17/19
Great buyer!
- SawanoShana (Seller)
Positive (11/08/19) Eternity Spring-Lolita OP dress 11/08/19
Great buyer!
- SawanoShana (Seller)
Positive (11/08/19) Diana’s star-Lolita OP dress 11/08/19
We agreed on a payment plan. Buyer paid a nonrefundable deposit, but then no farther payments were made. Transaction was cancelled because of an unforeseen life event, they said they could not pay for the dress anymore.
- PrincessBlue (Seller)
Negative (10/27/19) Labyrinth in the Reminiscent Mirror OP Blue/Sax 10/27/19
Everything perfect, thanks !
- Aphykit (Seller)
Positive (04/08/19) Liz Lisa flowers dress 04/08/19
Prompt payment on a payment plan. Buyer was super patient. Recommended.
- Chocohoney (Seller)
Positive (07/26/18) Emily Temple Cute Candy Skirt - RARE 07/26/18
Wonderful buyer!
- TherryMonk13 (Seller)
Positive (07/14/18) Emily Temple Cute Jam Jar Skirt 07/14/18
The buyer never completed the transaction. After agreed the shipping price and send me the address, the buyer never replied to my message (even didn't read it for months). Idk what happened to her. If there's truly a good reason why she can't pay, or read or reply the message for months, then I apologize for the negative feedback. Otherwise I don't recommend this buyer.
- Wellplayed (Seller)
Negative (04/17/18) white blouse with embroidered collar 04/17/18
We agreed on a payment by installments starting in 12/2017 to be finished by 02/2018. The buyer paid a non-refundable deposit as agreed to but there were no further payments. Also there wasn't either any further information nor message coming from the buyer. So the sales contract is nullified. I'm sorry to leave a negative feedback but this is a no-go in business. I can't recommend this buyer.
- Jewel-doll (Seller)
Negative (04/14/18) BTSSB Little Red Riding Hood Applique OP ivory 04/14/18
Unfortunately have to leave negative feedback. We agreed on short term hold, but the buyer failed to pay. We postponed the due date, but no payment again. While I understand that unexpected life issues can come up, I'd have really appriciated, if the buyer had been more communicative on her part.
- angelghost (Seller)
Negative (01/12/18) BtSSB Alice in Funfair Ribbon JSK [RESERVED] 01/12/18