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Comments Rating Link
Lovely, kind buyer! Fast payment and Quick communicator. Highly recommend!
- knselby (Seller)
Positive (11/04/17) (PLUS SIZE) Offbrand Tea Party JSK 11/04/17
Buyer never contacted me or responded to my first message about winning the item. After 3 days I had to email them to start communicating with the buyer. She claimed that she unfortunately had a funeral to tend to and it was the reason why she did not respond. She promised to pay, but I never saw payment. After another week, I messaged her again. She informed me because of the funeral, she was no longer able to pay for the item. I'm leaving this feedback as neutral because she is a new buyer and I will give her the benefit of the doubt. However, I left full details of the listing because I don't want her pulling the same stuff again on others. The buyer was explicitly told on proper buyer behavior so incidents like this should not happen again.
- tsunderelolita (Seller)
Neutral (12/08/16) Love Jewelry JSK (2L) 12/08/16