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Comments Rating Link
Great buyer! Fast payment, really friendly and reliable! Thank you really much!!
- MissCockatoo (Seller)
Positive (06/18/18) Angelic Pretty Jewelry Snow JSK in navy 06/18/18
I recommend her. She took a while to respond, but she followed to her end of the deal. Nice and courteous.
- TaylorM (Buyer)
Positive (04/11/18) Bodyline Merry-Go-Round JSK (L144) + tote bag 04/11/18
Lovely Seller with fast shipment. Everything as discribed, I'm very satisfied. Thank you! :)
- Misskayarina (Buyer)
Positive (08/10/17) AP Cotton Candy Shop JSK + headbow 08/10/17
Thank you for purchasing from Wunderwelt!
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (03/06/17) L-1324 **Stained** BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT Karami Babydoll JSK beige 03/06/17
Thank you for purchasing from Wunderwelt!
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (03/06/17) L-1313 **discolored** BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT Strawberry Letters JSK & headbow 03/06/17
Thank you for purchasing from Wunderwelt!
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (01/31/17) L-1203 **Signs of use** Angelic Pretty Jewelry Ribbon Shoes white size M 01/31/17
Thank you for a great transaction! Best regards, Wunderwelt
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (01/13/17) L-1185 **Pulled threads, stained** Angelic Pretty Toy Drops OP white 01/13/17