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Thank you!
- MerryLoli (Seller)
Positive (07/06/22) NWT Plus Size Sunset skirt 07/06/22
I sold her an Ank Rouge top and Liz Lisa blouse and I'd sell to her again. After paying for the first item (she paid within 10 mins of receiving the invoice), she PMed me asking if I could do combined shipping to add the Liz Lisa blouse to her order. She even PMed me to let me know she received them safely.
- kkarth (Seller)
Positive (03/26/20) Liz Lisa (Penderie) - Pink Rose Blouse 03/26/20
I sold her an Ank Rouge top and Liz Lisa blouse and I'd sell to her again. Within 10 mins of receiving her invoice, she had sent payment. She even PMed me to let me know she received them safely.
- kkarth (Seller)
Positive (03/26/20) * Ank Rouge - Beige Top - New w/o Tags 03/26/20