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Comments Rating Link
Thank you for purchasing from Wunderwelt!
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (02/04/17) L-1245 **Discolored, pilling** BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT Coat black 02/04/17
Thank you for purchasing from Wunderwelt!
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (02/04/17) L-1222 **discolored, stained** BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT Usakumya-chan JSK pink 02/04/17
Thank you for purchasing from Wunderwelt!
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (02/04/17) L-0944 **Discolored, pulled threads** Emily Temple cute set (3 items) 02/04/17
Thank you for a great transaction! Best regards, Wunderwelt
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (08/05/16) L-0775 **Signs of use, pilling** Angelic Pretty/MILK/Heart E Skirt/Shorts/Cutsew set (4 items) 08/05/16
Thank you for a great transaction! Best regards, Wunderwelt
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (08/05/16) L-0678 **Discolored** BTSSB Cutsew OP 08/05/16
Great communication and prompt payment! I would love to do business again!
- SoapboxSirensandCliffhangerCherubs (Seller)
Positive (07/15/16) Set of 2: BABY Milkchan's Fantasy Wonderland Skirt and AP Rose Afternoon Canotie 07/15/16