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Comments Rating Link
Item as described, thanks!
- StellarKei (Buyer)
Positive (10/29/24) Sweetie Lady Cutsew 10/29/24
Literally the nicest seller ever!!!
- Elisity (Buyer)
Positive (10/16/24) Chess Chocolate Bustier JSK in Pink 10/16/24
Smooth transaction. Would work with again. <3
- lizardlee (Seller)
Positive (12/01/22) BtssB x Gloomy Bear Colllab T-shirt 12/01/22
Buyer is a gem and a pleasure to work with. Transaction went perfectly. Thank you for purchasing and enjoy the headdress!
- babyneko (Seller)
Positive (01/12/22) BTSSB Fairy Crystal Snow Fur Headdress 01/12/22