Resin Market is a community for Ball Jointed Doll collectors, like you, to buy and sell BJDs with other members. Join us, it only takes a minute!

Comments Rating Link
Easy to communicate, paid in a timely manner. It was a pleasure to deal with you, thanks!
- Sasha (Seller)
Positive (06/17/16) Bodyline Merry-Go-Round JSK (L144) + headbow 06/17/16
Sweet buyer highly recommended great communication c:
- Kokoro (Seller)
Positive (09/02/15) Fairy kei pack 09/02/15
Very prompt payment, great buyer!
- tiffynicole (Seller)
Positive (07/28/15) Bodyline L032 07/28/15
Communicated well and paid quickly. Thanks for buying!
- RicaRoad (Seller)
Positive (07/21/15) Black Cotton Blouse 07/21/15