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Comments Rating Link
Fast communication and payment! Thank you!
- Illuminator (Seller)
Positive (11/23/24) BTSSB Chocolita Ribbon Blouse (Missing Ribbon) 11/23/24
Lovely buyer, paid quickly and was very communicative, thanks again
- Prettypastelprincess (Seller)
Positive (11/21/24) 2000 Emily Temple Cute Eyelet Embroidery OP 11/21/24
Fast payment, excellent communication. Would recommend! Thank you and I hope you enjoy your coat :)
- ecaillesdelune (Seller)
Positive (11/21/24) Angelic Pretty Lacy Mademoiselle Coat Tan 11/21/24
lovely buyer, thank you! :)
- Dearlyvalentine (Seller)
Positive (11/08/24) Heart E Flower Field Present Jsk + Headbow 11/08/24
Prompt and sweet buyer! Thank you so much, glad you enjoy your new dress. 💕
- kiragleam (Seller)
Positive (10/29/24) Emily Temple Cute - Unknown Rose Embroidery OP 10/29/24