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Comments Rating Link
The seller was helpful and shipped quickly. The socks arrived in good condition, and I am so happy with them. I'll be buying from her again.
- Koupenchan (Buyer)
Positive (02/04/19) OTK Angelic Pretty socks 02/04/19
Had troubling with communication, there wasn't any answer from buyer after dealing bid for the whole day, I thought bid was dead. But, well, invoice was paid it time (on the second day), so there wasn't any problems in general.
- Emerald (Seller)
Positive (05/06/15) Angelic Pretty Milky Planet 05/06/15
great buyer with good communication! :-)
- dollys (Seller)
Positive (02/24/15) Infanta Cinderalla JSK - NWT 02/24/15
Very fast payment. Amazing buyer! Thank you!
- thesweetretreat (Seller)
Positive (01/31/14) HMHM Chandelier JSK 01/31/14