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Comments Rating Link
Great buyer! Overall a perfect transaction. I would gladly sell to again; thank you so much!
- Chroul (Seller)
Positive (07/24/19) Marie Antoinette Beautiful Splendid Queen Portrait Skirt in sax 07/24/19
A pleasure to communicate with thanks so much ^_^ enjoy!
- Nibblesbibbles (Seller)
Positive (07/23/19) Spring flowers otome pink country hime skirt sz L XL XXL shirred plus size friendly 07/23/19
The buyer's communication was clear and friendly. She requested a hold and to bundle 2 items together, and it was very easy to work out the details. Payment was quick as well. Thank you for a pleasant transaction.
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (07/15/19) Metamorphose Ivory Majestic Princess Short Sleeve OP NWT 07/15/19
The buyer's communication was clear and friendly. She requested a hold and to bundle 2 items together, and it was very easy to work out the details. Payment was quick as well. Thank you for a pleasant transaction.
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (07/15/19) Bodyline Pinkish-Beige and Maroon (pik) Sailor Collar Floral OP (L600) Size M NWT 07/15/19
Nice buyer, quick payment.
- lisaadew (Seller)
Positive (10/26/15) Alice and the Pirates Ivory blouse NWT 10/26/15