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Comments Rating Link
Shipped super fast and the seller was communicative and friendly. Thanks!!
- strawberry_lemon (Buyer)
Positive (06/30/21) Loyal Rosette Jumperskirt in brown + OTKs (ON HOLD FOR EVE) 06/30/21
Wonderful buyer! Very understanding when Lace Market's PMs weren't working. Thank you! :)
- peachsoju (Seller)
Positive (03/16/21) Liz Lisa Heart Cream Dress 03/16/21
Great buyer!
- Vinkys (Seller)
Positive (01/31/16) Angelic Pretty Day Dream Carnival Skirt (Ivory) 01/31/16
Good buyer!
- Shiri (Seller)
Positive (07/27/15) Angelic Pretty - Loyal Rosette jsk + OTK 07/27/15