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The buyer purchased the dress after winning the auction on June 13. I messaged her with the total amount and sent the invoice. She replied asking for me to send it to the cleaners before shipping it. Due to my work schedule it was not something I could do, and that is a request that would have been better to ask about before purchasing the dress. After replying, I never heard back from her and she never paid the invoice. I have given her a very generous time period of over a month and even sent a reminder of the invoice on paypal, but heard nothing. I dont know if this was just a busy time and she forgot, but unfortunately I never heard back.
- French_Navy (Seller)
Negative (07/19/17) Emily Temple Cute Tea Pot Pink JSK 07/19/17
Smooth transaction :D
- paganini (Seller)
Positive (02/26/17) angelic pretty misty sky jsk 2013 release (2nd release) set in navy with Chouchou 02/26/17
Fits me perfectly, and the dress is like new! Plus friendly and fast communication from the seller. :)
- clericbeastie (Buyer)
Positive (02/22/17) amavel regimental striped op 02/22/17
Great seller!
- nananako (Buyer)
Positive (01/28/17) angelic pretty Melty Cream Doughnut OP (pink, 2016 release) 01/28/17