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This buyer has not communicated with me, she reads my messages and ignores them. She purchased this cardigan from me and I informed her that I was going to ship within a week. A week passed and I had gotten sick, this was also around the time of the US holiday Thanksgiving (a lot of mail runs slow and post offices are closed). I told her after the holiday that I would ship. Well, she went ahead and filed a Paypal claim against me; this caused my account to go negative. I contacted Paypal and gave them a tracking number and also gave the buyer a tracking number. Since this is an international purchase, it took about 2 months to arrive at the buyer. This whole time, my account was in the negative; which was incredibly frustrating. I begged Paypal to let me end this dispute and claim but it was up to the buyer. I begged her, wrote numerous messages, and even e-mails. No response. But she was reading my messages the whole time. Eventually, 30 days lapse and my account go from negative to a positive balance. I was very relieved that it was over! I was wrong. Two days ago, I received my cardigan in the mail BACK to me and my Paypal negative balance again. I have e-mailed her, messaged her, and I have got absolutely no response. I am working the second dispute out with Paypal as I write this. Long story short, please do not sell to this buyer! Seller beware!
- princesssquish (Seller)
Positive (01/28/18) Royal Chocolate Knit Cardigan in Pink 01/28/18
Great buyer with easy communication and fast payment :3
- angiiichan (Seller)
Positive (02/15/15) $95US (price down) AP Chess Chocolate Emblem Embroidered BL 02/15/15
Very kind person, fast shipping. Great buyer!
- Erena (Seller)
Positive (10/21/14) AP color scheme pearl heart skirt 10/21/14
Great Buyer :) Really quick communication and sale went smoothly, thank you!
- frootums (Seller)
Positive (09/02/14) Loris Red Heart Bag 09/02/14
Quick and easy transaction :) Lovely buyer ^^ Thankyou!
- kirstie20plus (Seller)
Positive (08/23/14) Bodyline Pink Polka Dot OP + detachable bow 08/23/14